
5 Qualities to Consider in Choosing Your Structural Timber

25 October 2022

Today, contractors can choose from various materials when carrying out construction projects. Once they have selected the right materials for their projects, they then use the right tools and processes to maximise them.

One of the materials that they often pick is structural timber. Structural timber is often used in the construction industry in generating the flooring and decking of a property. It can also be utilised in solidifying the structural frame of a building. Other uses of this material include furniture, joists, and cladding.

But not all structural timbers are similar. Some can only be used for flooring and decking, while others can be used in almost all building parts. Hence, to acquire the right structural timber for your construction project, here are some qualities you need to consider.

1. Durability

One of the qualities you should strongly consider in choosing your structural timber is durability. Some structural timbers may be comprised of materials that look good. But if they cannot resist damaging elements, you may end up with weak flooring or decking. When choosing structural timber, you must make sure that it can withstand any biological and chemical agent. It must also be capable of withstanding acids from the surroundings.

2. Permeability

Another quality to consider when choosing structural timber for your property is permeability. Most structural timbers will be used in constructing both indoor and outdoor structures of a building. If your chosen structural timber, however, has a high level of permeability, it might only deteriorate in a short time. A good structural timber should not be able to absorb more than 8% of water to retain its durability and prolong its service life. The permeability of this material often depends on its type, cut type, moisture content, and age.

3. Strength

Most structural timbers, as mentioned earlier, will be used for structural components like wooden beams, joists, and others that may take some load. For instance, flooring components may be made from structural timbers. And since these parts will always be walked on by people, they should be strong enough to handle foot traffic. Once you utilise flooring made from weak structural timber components, you may be surprised at how quickly they can get damaged.

4. Colour

Somehow connected to strength, the colour of a structural timber can somehow determine how strong it is. If structural timber boasts a light colour, it often means that the material has low strength. A timber with dark colour, alternatively, indicates that it has high strength. If you intend to maximise structural timber for construction projects, you may want to opt for a dark-coloured one to ensure it will last longer.

5. Appearance

One more quality you must consider in choosing structural timber for your construction project is appearance. A good structural timber often boasts a shiny appearance when freshly sawed. This look is possible due to the resinous particles found in the said material. Of course, the appeal of a structural timber would still differ depending on the arrangement of its cells. Uniform cell arrangement can make a structural timber look uniform as well. A bad-looking timber, alternatively, may possess fungal defects.

If you want some help in choosing your structural timber, you can contact us at I Got Wood. You can also access our online shop so you can pick and purchase your desired timber products.

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