
The Essence of Waterproofing Timber and How to Do It

13 April 2023

Timber is one of the most utilised materials in the building and construction industry today. Generally, it is used in making doors, windows, cupboards, and railings. It can also be utilised in producing shelves, tables, and other furniture pieces needed on a property.

One of the reasons why timber is often maximised by the industry is it is durable. Timber parts and products do not corrode in the salt air. They can also resist weather elements that can often damage construction materials. They likewise do not cause damage to the environment once obtained. Timber parts and products can even be reused and recycled. The visual appeal of timbers, ultimately, makes them useful in many building and construction projects.

Waterproofing Timber is a Must

Despite the durability and longevity of timber parts and products, they should still be waterproofed. They may be utilised in applications where water exists. However, their prolonged contact with water can lead to their deterioration. They can rot, warp, and become stained. They can then lose their structural integrity, which can lead to safety issues along the way.

Waterproofing, fortunately, can be done to protect timber products from various damaging elements like cracking, warping, splitting, stains, discolouration, mould, and mildew. It can also protect timbers exposed to foot traffic or subjected to heavy use from the damages they may receive out of these things. Additionally, waterproofing is an essential step in prolonging the service life of timber parts and products. Ultimately, it can help in altering the overall appeal and colour of the timber parts and products.

Common Waterproofing Types

Many types of waterproofing products can be picked by property owners for their respective timber structures and materials.

One type of these products is oil-based. Oil-based waterproofing products can often last longer and penetrate the timbers more deeply than their counterpart. One con of these products, however, as they cannot be applied in damp conditions. They are also more difficult to clean. These cons are, alternatively, the advantages present in water-based waterproofing items.

Clear waterproofing products can also be picked by property owners if they want to showcase the natural grain of the timbers. They help in preventing fading. To make them effective, they should be reapplied every one to two years. Tinted waterproofing products, alternatively, can be chosen by property owners if they want to further protect their timbers against UV. They can also improve the appeal of the timber materials by showcasing the grains. These products must be reapplied to timber materials every two to three years.

Waterproofing Timber Materials

If you will be waterproofing your timber materials, you must ensure that the subsequent steps will be followed.

The first step in waterproofing your timbers is to clean their surfaces. You must ensure that no loose debris will be present on their surfaces so that the waterproofing product can cling to them effectively. This step can be done by using a general cleaner. Now, to achieve a smoother timber surface, you must sand it with rough sandpaper and finish it with smooth sandpaper. Wipe the surface down once you are done to remove sanded wood particles.

The next steps involve applying the waterproofing product through a brush or a sprayer, letting the first coat dry, sanding the first waterproofing layer, applying a second layer of the waterproofer, and letting the timber surface cure.

If you need high-quality waterproofing products, you can get them from us at I Got Wood. We offer Bitumen Membrane Waterproofing Protite products that work well with posts, retaining walls, and planter boxes made from timbers.

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